Monday, January 01, 2007

Wanna trade a Wii for a gaming site?

I'm unloading some of my domains and websites. Mainly because I don't have ample time and focus for the 10 I own and the dozen or so I watch over for friends and family. My main domain that I am looking to trade off was the most profittable venture I've had on the Internet. It was a handheld gaming news/review/preview site called Handheld HQ. When I started the site it was mainly a side progect for a gaming site I wrote for XGP Gaming (now part of Fever Gaming). It was made to show people that we needed to include handheld gaming with console and PC reviews. The old site I had up brought in alot of daily unique traffic and generated enough Google Ad clicks for them to cut me a check a couple of times. I also used the site to peddle out my FREE refferral links. I recieved a Sony PSP, iPod shuffle, and a iPod 60Gb video. Its nice getting a couple hundred dollars of tech toys for free. Not to mention some of the free games I got for my PSP. It's amazing on who wants you to review their products. The main people that sent me stuff was Rockstar Games (oh yea free GTA) and Electronic Arts. I've been sent N-Gage games as well, but who has a use or want for N-Gage.

I was thinking of selling my domain on a domain reseller page but I'm too lazy and didn't want to deal with escrow accounts. So, instead I want to pass it own to whomever. I'm looking to trade it off for a new Nintendo Wii and some Wii gear. The domain was just reregistered and I'm willing to renew it for the next owner for up to 10yrs (depending on the trade offer). I'll even throw in free hosting for the remainder of the year on one of my reseller web servers I run stuff off of.

Interested? Email me at qwikstreet"at"

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well written article.